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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SGN0139
Title The Future of LTS
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 20%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 80%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2019
End Date 01 May 2020
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £321,295
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SGN0139
Objectives In order to assess the feasibility and safety of the LTS for storage and transport of these gases, SGN are working with HSL to assess the scientific and regulatory feasibility. The objective of this project is to complete full range of evidence to support this scenario and identify any associated trials that would contribute to answering the feasibility, safety and regulatory questions.There will be a written review report of the capability of the LTS to store and distribute hydrogen, hydrogen blend and CO2, and a Case Study produced on the existing decommissioned pipe between Granton and Grangemouth that might later be used as a potential LTS testing facility.The report will include any potential challenges that would prevent the storage and distribution of hydrogen, hydrogen blend and CO2 in the LTS and will include any specific recommendations for mitigation. The review will include all considerations identified in the problem statement and a clear Go/No Go decision to move on to the next phases of physical trials.There will be a phased approach to answering this challenge problem. Phase 1Will be a feasibility and scoping phase split into two workstreams.Phase 1a - LTS Pipeline Characterisation studyWill look at LTS pipeline characterisation to establish how the existing system could be re-purposed in the context of a de-carbonised gas grid.Phase 1b - Grangemouth to Granton Feasibility studyWill look specifically at the Grangemouth to Granton feasibility. This will include a review of consents for storing and transporting Hydrogen, Hydrogen blend and CO2. This project will establish what may be required to prove that an existing LTS pipeline can be used to transport or store either hydrogen, hydrogen blend or CO2. It will specifically look at: Proposed future carrier gas specifications Materials effects of these carrier gasses on pipeline integrity over time Identification of any additional operational aspects that will need to be considered Hazardous area changes which will characterise likely risk differences based on pipeline vintage Review IGEM/TD/1 original and later revisions Review latest standards applicable to carrier pipelines for NG, H2 and CO2 Identify the fundamental differences in the design and operation characteristics of these systems Identify the key areas of risk if these gases were to be stored or transported in the LTS system and formulate risk comparison matrix Establish what permissions would be needed for re-purposing for use for either hydrogen, hydrogen blend or CO2 This workstream will be a predominantly desk based exercise of subject expert reviews of relevant information and literature and providing the findings in a written report.  Phase 1The objective for this work package is to establish the requirements to re-validate the Granton to Grangemouth pipe for conventional use. It will involve A review of existing records and pipeline information Review past use, maintenance and usage history Review the status of current protective measures i.e. N2 fill, and efficacy of CP Provide a recommendation of inspection data required to establish pipeline integrity for possible future uses Carry out a review of existing permissions and establish their suitability to re-purpose for future uses of Hydrogen, Hydrogen blend and CO2. This will involve: Use of HSEs National Population Database to review current risk profile along the pipeline route Establish likely change to any risk zones associated with re-purposing Grangemouth Pipe Consult with HSE and other regulators to establish barriers to re-commissioning and re-purposing Engage with HSE and other regulators to establish timelines for regulatory approval Establish any risks associated with a change in land use along the pipeline and possible mitigations to these risks Recommend any laboratory or offline testing needed to support the evidence base for pipe re-purposing Pipeline specific risk assessment & gap analysis The conclusion of phase 1 will produce a Go, No go decision on whether further phases will be relevant depending on the outcome of the assessment and case study. Should there be a recommendation for further phases, the detailed scope of what those phases will include will be developed and costed as a separate proposal to Phase 1.Phase 2 Will be Laboratory and offline testing and the scope of this would be identified and developed in Phase 1.Phase 3 Will be Grangemouth to Granton Pipeline Integrity Testing which would include Hydraulic testing and PIG - wall thickness, defects, coating thickness.Phase 4Demonstration of use for hydrogen/CO2 that will include Experimental design and Risk assessment.Phase 5Will include Engineering Design and HAZID.Phase 6QRA which will address all known and new risks and assign frequency. The objectives of this work are to answer key questions around the suitability of the existing LTS to store and transport hydrogen, hydrogen blend and CO2 and develop a scope for testing the assumptions made in the assessment. This would act as a proof of concept for online trials.
Abstract The recent report by The Committee on Climate Change highlighted that Hydrogen is a credible option for the future. SGN have identified the potential for using the Local Transmission Network (LTS) for storing and distributing Hydrogen, Hydrogen blends and CO2.The project will assess the feasibility and safety implications of the LTS for storage and transport of these gases.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 09/11/22